Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tomato Tuesday: Digging the Holes

Partly Saturday and partly yesterday, I dug the holes for my tomatoes.  During the process, I found three volunteers from last year's rotten tomatoes that fell from the vine before I could pick them.

Today I almost did nothing but the yarn sampler. Over 100 minis in the last 24 hours.  Which sounds good, until you realize that there are 500 minis in the worsted side. I have to do the exact same feverish pace all week to finish before Matt gets here.

WIP Wednesday tomorrow: Kwalla socks, a storied life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tomato Tuesday

This afternoon, I replanted a plant (some kind of oregano) that was drying out too quickly into a shadier spot.  I replanted it deeper, and put in hydration bottles (water bottles filled with tap water and rapidly plunged upside down into the dirt).

I have watered my tomatoes, and the first yellow flowers are starting to bloom.  It's almost worth having tomatoes just for the hopefulness of those yellow flowers.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hi. Been a while.

I keep knitting when I have time. I've done 6 socks now, of which 2 are pairs.   Working on another 3, one of them will match one of those already done, and the other two are 2 at a time and will match each other.

Learned to spin.  Pretty proud of my efforts; once plied, the yarn is really nice and I would knit with it. My first effort is about a worsted weight plied on itself.  My second effort was just to see how thin I could spin. Yesterday morning I plied it into a Navajo ply and it turned into a very even fingering-weight purple yarn.

Can't figure out how to post pictures right now. Hopefully I will be able to in future posts.  It may just be an issue on my tablet.

Coming on Tomato Tuesday: picking the spot and digging the holes.